config->paypal_mode == 'live') ? 'checked' :''; $paypal_sb = ($pt->config->paypal_mode == 'sandbox') ? 'checked' :''; $paypal_cur_usd = ($pt->config->payment_currency == 'USD') ? 'checked' :''; $paypal_cur_eur = ($pt->config->payment_currency == 'EUR') ? 'checked' :''; ?>
Payment Configuration
Admin Panel
Payment Configuration
For more information on how to setup payment gateways, please visit our
Withdrawal Settings
Users can send withdrawal requests via any of these methods
Bank Transfer
config->withdrawal_payment_method['bank'] == 1) ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->withdrawal_payment_method['paypal'] == 1) ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->withdrawal_payment_method['skrill'] == 1) ? 'checked': '';?>>
Custom Method
config->withdrawal_payment_method['custom'] == 1) ? 'checked': '';?> onclick="CustomName(this)">
Custom Method Name
Minimum withdrawal request
Minimum withdrawal the users can request
Payment Settings
PayPal Payment Method
Enable PayPal to receive payments from ads and pro packages.
config->paypal == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
PayPal Currency
Set your PayPal currency, this will be used only on PayPal.
config->paypal_currency == 'USD') ? ' selected': '';?>>USD
config->paypal_currency == 'EUR') ? ' selected': '';?>>EUR
config->paypal_currency == 'AUD') ? ' selected': '';?>>AUD
config->paypal_currency == 'BRL') ? ' selected': '';?>>BRL
config->paypal_currency == 'CAD') ? ' selected': '';?>>CAD
config->paypal_currency == 'CZK') ? ' selected': '';?>>CZK
config->paypal_currency == 'DKK') ? ' selected': '';?>>DKK
config->paypal_currency == 'HKD') ? ' selected': '';?>>HKD
config->paypal_currency == 'HUF') ? ' selected': '';?>>HUF
config->paypal_currency == 'INR') ? ' selected': '';?>>INR
config->paypal_currency == 'ILS') ? ' selected': '';?>>ILS
config->paypal_currency == 'JPY') ? ' selected': '';?>>JPY
config->paypal_currency == 'MYR') ? ' selected': '';?>>MYR
config->paypal_currency == 'MXN') ? ' selected': '';?>>MXN
config->paypal_currency == 'TWD') ? ' selected': '';?>>TWD
config->paypal_currency == 'NZD') ? ' selected': '';?>>NZD
config->paypal_currency == 'NOK') ? ' selected': '';?>>NOK
config->paypal_currency == 'PHP') ? ' selected': '';?>>PHP
config->paypal_currency == 'PLN') ? ' selected': '';?>>PLN
config->paypal_currency == 'GBP') ? ' selected': '';?>>GBP
config->paypal_currency == 'RUB') ? ' selected': '';?>>RUB
config->paypal_currency == 'SGD') ? ' selected': '';?>>SGD
config->paypal_currency == 'SEK') ? ' selected': '';?>>SEK
config->paypal_currency == 'CHF') ? ' selected': '';?>>CHF
config->paypal_currency == 'THB') ? ' selected': '';?>>THB
PayPal Mode
Choose the mode your application is using, for testing use the SandBox mode.
config->paypal_mode == 'live') ? ' selected': '';?>>Live
config->paypal_mode == 'sandbox') ? ' selected': '';?>>SandBox
PayPal Clinet ID
Set your PayPal application ID.
PayPal Secret Key
Set your PayPal application secret key.
Configure Stripe (Credit Cards) Payment Method
Stripe Payment Method
Enable Stripe to receive payments by credit cards.
config->credit_card == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Stripe Currency
Set your Stripe currency, this will be used only on Stripe.
config->stripe_currency == 'USD') ? ' selected': '';?>>USD
config->stripe_currency == 'EUR') ? ' selected': '';?>>EUR
config->stripe_currency == 'AUD') ? ' selected': '';?>>AUD
config->stripe_currency == 'BRL') ? ' selected': '';?>>BRL
config->stripe_currency == 'CAD') ? ' selected': '';?>>CAD
config->stripe_currency == 'CZK') ? ' selected': '';?>>CZK
config->stripe_currency == 'DKK') ? ' selected': '';?>>DKK
config->stripe_currency == 'HKD') ? ' selected': '';?>>HKD
config->stripe_currency == 'HUF') ? ' selected': '';?>>HUF
config->stripe_currency == 'ILS') ? ' selected': '';?>>ILS
config->stripe_currency == 'JPY') ? ' selected': '';?>>JPY
config->stripe_currency == 'MYR') ? ' selected': '';?>>MYR
config->stripe_currency == 'MXN') ? ' selected': '';?>>MXN
config->stripe_currency == 'TWD') ? ' selected': '';?>>TWD
config->stripe_currency == 'NZD') ? ' selected': '';?>>NZD
config->stripe_currency == 'NOK') ? ' selected': '';?>>NOK
config->stripe_currency == 'PHP') ? ' selected': '';?>>PHP
config->stripe_currency == 'PLN') ? ' selected': '';?>>PLN
config->stripe_currency == 'RUB') ? ' selected': '';?>>RUB
config->stripe_currency == 'SGD') ? ' selected': '';?>>SGD
config->stripe_currency == 'SEK') ? ' selected': '';?>>SEK
config->stripe_currency == 'CHF') ? ' selected': '';?>>CHF
config->stripe_currency == 'THB') ? ' selected': '';?>>THB
config->stripe_currency == 'GBP') ? ' selected': '';?>>GBP
Stripe API Secret Key
Your Stripe secret key that starts with sk_
Stripe Publishable Key
Your Stripe publishable key that starts with pk_
Configure PayStack (Credit Cards) Payment Method
Paystack Payment Method
Get paid by Paystack payment provider.
config->paystack_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Secret Key
Your paystack account secret key.
Configure CashFree (Credit Cards) Payment Method
CashFree Payment Method
Enable CashFree to receive payments by credit cards.
config->cashfree_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
CashFree Mode
Choose the mode your application is using, for testing use the SandBox mode.
config->cashfree_mode == 'sandBox') ? ' selected': '';?>>SandBox
config->cashfree_mode == 'live') ? ' selected': '';?>>Live
Client Id
Your application client ID.
Client Secret
Your application client ID secret key.
Configure PaySera Payment Method
Paysera Payment Method
Get paid by PaySera payment provider.
config->paysera_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Paysera Mode
Choose the mode your application is using, for testing use the SandBox mode.
config->paysera_mode == '0') ? ' selected': '';?>>Live
config->paysera_mode == '1') ? ' selected': '';?>>SandBox
Project Id
Your PaySera project ID.
Account Password
Your PaySera account password..
Securionpay Payment Settings
Securionpay Payment Method
Enable Securionpay to receive payments by credit cards.
config->securionpay_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Securionpay Public key
Securionpay Secret key
Authorize.Net Payment Settings
Authorize.Net Payment Method
Enable Authorize.Net to receive payments by credit cards.
config->authorize_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Test mode
config->authorize_test_mode == 'PRODUCTION') ? 'selected': '';?>>Live
config->authorize_test_mode == 'SANDBOX') ? 'selected': '';?>>Test
Choose the mode your application is using, for testing use the SandBox mode.
Authorize.Net API LOGIN ID
Your Authorize.Net API LOGIN ID.
Your Authorize.Net TRANSACTION KEY.
Configure Fortumo Payment Method
Fortumo Payment Method
Get paid by Fortumo payment provider.
config->fortumo_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Fortumo Service Id
Your Fortumo Service Id.
Please add this url
in Forwarded URL
Configure Aamarpay Payment Method
Aamarpay Payment Method
Get paid by Aamarpay payment provider.
config->aamarpay_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Test mode
config->aamarpay_mode == 'live') ? 'selected': '';?>>Live
config->aamarpay_mode == 'sandbox') ? 'selected': '';?>>Test
Choose the mode your application is using, for testing use the SandBox mode.
Aamarpay Store Id
Your Aamarpay Store Id.
Aamarpay Signature Key
Your Aamarpay Signature Key.
Flutter Wave payment
Flutter Wave Payment Method
Enable Flutter Wave to receive payments.
config->fluttewave_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Flutter Wave API Secret Key
Your Flutter Wave API Secret Key.
Alipay payment
Alipay Payment Method
Enable Alipay to receive payments.
config->alipay_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Alipay Client ID
Your Alipay API Client ID.
Alipay Public Key
<?php echo $pt->config->alipay_public_key;?>
Your Alipay API Public Key.
Alipay Private Key
<?php echo $pt->config->alipay_private_key;?>
Your Alipay API Private Key.
Configure 2Checkout (Credit Cards) Payment Method
2Checkout Payment Method
Enable 2Checkout to receive payments by credit cards.
config->checkout_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
2Checkout Mode
Choose the mode your application is using, for testing use the SandBox mode.
config->checkout_mode == 'live') ? ' selected': '';?>>Live
config->checkout_mode == 'sandbox') ? ' selected': '';?>>SandBox
2Checkout Currency
Set your 2checkout currency, this will be used only on 2checkout.
config->checkout_currency == 'USD') ? ' selected': '';?>>USD
config->checkout_currency == 'EUR') ? ' selected': '';?>>EUR
config->checkout_currency == 'AED') ? ' selected': '';?>>AED
config->checkout_currency == 'AFN') ? ' selected': '';?>>AFN
config->checkout_currency == 'ALL') ? ' selected': '';?>>ALL
config->checkout_currency == 'ARS') ? ' selected': '';?>>ARS
config->checkout_currency == 'AUD') ? ' selected': '';?>>AUD
config->checkout_currency == 'AZN') ? ' selected': '';?>>AZN
config->checkout_currency == 'BBD') ? ' selected': '';?>>BBD
config->checkout_currency == 'BDT') ? ' selected': '';?>>BDT
config->checkout_currency == 'BGN') ? ' selected': '';?>>BGN
config->checkout_currency == 'BMD') ? ' selected': '';?>>BMD
config->checkout_currency == 'BND') ? ' selected': '';?>>BND
config->checkout_currency == 'BOB') ? ' selected': '';?>>BOB
config->checkout_currency == 'BRL') ? ' selected': '';?>>BRL
config->checkout_currency == 'BSD') ? ' selected': '';?>>BSD
config->checkout_currency == 'BWP') ? ' selected': '';?>>BWP
config->checkout_currency == 'BYN') ? ' selected': '';?>>BYN
config->checkout_currency == 'BZD') ? ' selected': '';?>>BZD
config->checkout_currency == 'CAD') ? ' selected': '';?>>CAD
config->checkout_currency == 'CHF') ? ' selected': '';?>>CHF
config->checkout_currency == 'CLP') ? ' selected': '';?>>CLP
config->checkout_currency == 'CNY') ? ' selected': '';?>>CNY
config->checkout_currency == 'COP') ? ' selected': '';?>>COP
config->checkout_currency == 'CRC') ? ' selected': '';?>>CRC
config->checkout_currency == 'CZK') ? ' selected': '';?>>CZK
config->checkout_currency == 'DKK') ? ' selected': '';?>>DKK
config->checkout_currency == 'DOP') ? ' selected': '';?>>DOP
config->checkout_currency == 'DZD') ? ' selected': '';?>>DZD
config->checkout_currency == 'EGP') ? ' selected': '';?>>EGP
config->checkout_currency == 'FJD') ? ' selected': '';?>>FJD
config->checkout_currency == 'GBP') ? ' selected': '';?>>GBP
config->checkout_currency == 'GTQ') ? ' selected': '';?>>GTQ
config->checkout_currency == 'HKD') ? ' selected': '';?>>HKD
config->checkout_currency == 'HNL') ? ' selected': '';?>>HNL
config->checkout_currency == 'HRK') ? ' selected': '';?>>HRK
config->checkout_currency == 'HUF') ? ' selected': '';?>>HUF
config->checkout_currency == 'IDR') ? ' selected': '';?>>IDR
config->checkout_currency == 'ILS') ? ' selected': '';?>>ILS
config->checkout_currency == 'INR') ? ' selected': '';?>>INR
config->checkout_currency == 'JMD') ? ' selected': '';?>>JMD
config->checkout_currency == 'JOD') ? ' selected': '';?>>JOD
config->checkout_currency == 'JPY') ? ' selected': '';?>>JPY
config->checkout_currency == 'KES') ? ' selected': '';?>>KES
config->checkout_currency == 'KRW') ? ' selected': '';?>>KRW
config->checkout_currency == 'KWD') ? ' selected': '';?>>KWD
config->checkout_currency == 'KZT') ? ' selected': '';?>>KZT
config->checkout_currency == 'LAK') ? ' selected': '';?>>LAK
config->checkout_currency == 'LBP') ? ' selected': '';?>>LBP
config->checkout_currency == 'LKR') ? ' selected': '';?>>LKR
config->checkout_currency == 'LRD') ? ' selected': '';?>>LRD
config->checkout_currency == 'MAD') ? ' selected': '';?>>MAD
config->checkout_currency == 'MDL') ? ' selected': '';?>>MDL
config->checkout_currency == 'MMK') ? ' selected': '';?>>MMK
config->checkout_currency == 'MOP') ? ' selected': '';?>>MOP
config->checkout_currency == 'MRO') ? ' selected': '';?>>MRO
config->checkout_currency == 'MUR') ? ' selected': '';?>>MUR
config->checkout_currency == 'MVR') ? ' selected': '';?>>MVR
config->checkout_currency == 'MXN') ? ' selected': '';?>>MXN
config->checkout_currency == 'MYR') ? ' selected': '';?>>MYR
config->checkout_currency == 'NAD') ? ' selected': '';?>>NAD
config->checkout_currency == 'NGN') ? ' selected': '';?>>NGN
config->checkout_currency == 'NIO') ? ' selected': '';?>>NIO
config->checkout_currency == 'NOK') ? ' selected': '';?>>NOK
config->checkout_currency == 'NPR') ? ' selected': '';?>>NPR
config->checkout_currency == 'NZD') ? ' selected': '';?>>NZD
config->checkout_currency == 'OMR') ? ' selected': '';?>>OMR
config->checkout_currency == 'PEN') ? ' selected': '';?>>PEN
config->checkout_currency == 'PGK') ? ' selected': '';?>>PGK
config->checkout_currency == 'PHP') ? ' selected': '';?>>PHP
config->checkout_currency == 'PKR') ? ' selected': '';?>>PKR
config->checkout_currency == 'PLN') ? ' selected': '';?>>PLN
config->checkout_currency == 'PYG') ? ' selected': '';?>>PYG
config->checkout_currency == 'QAR') ? ' selected': '';?>>QAR
config->checkout_currency == 'RON') ? ' selected': '';?>>RON
config->checkout_currency == 'RSD') ? ' selected': '';?>>RSD
config->checkout_currency == 'RUB') ? ' selected': '';?>>RUB
config->checkout_currency == 'SAR') ? ' selected': '';?>>SAR
config->checkout_currency == 'SBD') ? ' selected': '';?>>SBD
config->checkout_currency == 'SCR') ? ' selected': '';?>>SCR
config->checkout_currency == 'SEK') ? ' selected': '';?>>SEK
config->checkout_currency == 'SGD') ? ' selected': '';?>>SGD
config->checkout_currency == 'SYP') ? ' selected': '';?>>SYP
config->checkout_currency == 'THB') ? ' selected': '';?>>THB
config->checkout_currency == 'TND') ? ' selected': '';?>>TND
config->checkout_currency == 'TOP') ? ' selected': '';?>>TOP
config->checkout_currency == 'TRY') ? ' selected': '';?>>TRY
config->checkout_currency == 'TTD') ? ' selected': '';?>>TTD
config->checkout_currency == 'TWD') ? ' selected': '';?>>TWD
config->checkout_currency == 'UAH') ? ' selected': '';?>>UAH
config->checkout_currency == 'UYU') ? ' selected': '';?>>UYU
config->checkout_currency == 'VND') ? ' selected': '';?>>VND
config->checkout_currency == 'VUV') ? ' selected': '';?>>VUV
config->checkout_currency == 'WST') ? ' selected': '';?>>WST
config->checkout_currency == 'XCD') ? ' selected': '';?>>XCD
config->checkout_currency == 'XOF') ? ' selected': '';?>>XOF
config->checkout_currency == 'YER') ? ' selected': '';?>>YER
config->checkout_currency == 'ZAR') ? ' selected': '';?>>ZAR
Seller ID
Publishable Key
Private Key
Configure Local Bank Payment Method
Bank Payment Method
Get paid by bank transfers.
config->bank_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Bank Description
<?php echo $pt->config->bank_description;?>
Set your IBAN, SWIFT code from the code above.
Bank transfer note
<?php echo $pt->config->bank_transfer_note;?>
Your note to the custoemr after he submits the payment.
Configure RazorPay (Credit Cards) Payment Method
RazorPay Payment Method
Get paid by RazorPay payment provider.
config->razorpay_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Application ID
Your application client ID.
Application Secret
Your application secret key.
Configure Iyzipay Payment Method
Iyzipay Payment Method
config->iyzipay_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Iyzipay Mode
Choose the mode your application is using, for testing use the SandBox mode.
config->iyzipay_mode == '0') ? ' selected': '';?>>Live
config->iyzipay_mode == '1') ? ' selected': '';?>>SandBox
Iyzipay Key
Iyzipay Secret Key
Iyzipay Buyer Id
Iyzipay Buyer Name
Iyzipay Buyer Surname
Iyzipay Buyer Gsm Number (+905350000000)
Iyzipay Buyer Email
Iyzipay Buyer Identity Number
Iyzipay Buyer Address
Iyzipay Buyer City
Iyzipay Buyer Country
Iyzipay Buyer Zip
Configure Yoomoney Payment Method
Yoomoney Payment Method
Get paid by Yoomoney payment provider.
config->yoomoney_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Wallet ID
Your Yoomoney Wallet ID.
Notifications Authentication Secret
Your Yoomoney Notifications Authentication Secret.
Please add this url
in HTTP notifications
Coinbase Payment
Coinbase Payment Method
Get paid by Coinbase, simple and easy.
config->coinbase_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
API key
Your Coinbase API key.
Configure Ngenius (Credit Cards) Payment Method
Ngenius Payment Method
Get paid by Ngenius payment provider.
config->ngenius_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Test mode
config->ngenius_mode == 'live') ? 'selected': '';?>>Live
config->ngenius_mode == 'sandbox') ? 'selected': '';?>>Test
Choose the mode your application is using, for testing use the SandBox mode.
Ngenius API Key
Your Ngenius API Key.
Ngenius Outlet Id
Your Ngenius Outlet Id.
Configure CoinPayments Payment Method
CoinPayments Payment Method
Get paid by bitcoin, simple and easy.
config->coinpayments == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Secret Key
Your CoinPayments Secret Key.
Public Key
Your CoinPayments Public Key.
config->coinpayments_coins)) { $coinpayments_coins = json_decode($pt->config->coinpayments_coins,true); if (!empty($coinpayments_coins)) { ?>
Coinpayments Coins
$value) { ?>
config->coinpayments_coin == $key) ? ' selected': '';?>>
Set your Coinpayments coin, this will be used only on Coinpayments.
Get Supported Coins
Qiwi payment
Qiwi Payment Method
Enable Qiwi to receive payments.
config->qiwi_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Qiwi Public Key
<?php echo $pt->config->qiwi_public_key;?>
Your Qiwi API Public Key.
Qiwi Private Key
<?php echo $pt->config->qiwi_private_key;?>
Your Qiwi API Private Key.
Configure PayFast Payment Method
PayFast Payment Method
Get paid by PayFast payment provider.
config->payfast_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Test mode
config->payfast_mode == 'production') ? 'selected': '';?>>Live
config->payfast_mode == 'sandbox') ? 'selected': '';?>>Test
Choose the mode your application is using, for testing use the SandBox mode.
PayFast Merchant Id
Your PayFast Merchant Id.
PayFast Merchant Key
Your PayFast Merchant Key.
Configure Braintree Payment Method
Braintree Payment Method
Get paid by Braintree payment provider.
config->braintree_payment == 'yes') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Test mode
config->braintree_mode == 'production') ? 'selected': '';?>>Live
config->braintree_mode == 'sandbox') ? 'selected': '';?>>Test
Choose the mode your application is using, for testing use the SandBox mode.
Braintree Merchant Id
Your Braintree Merchant Id.
Braintree Public Key
<?php echo $pt->config->braintree_public_key ;?>
Your Braintree Public Key.
Braintree Private Key
<?php echo $pt->config->braintree_private_key ;?>
Your Braintree Private Key.