config->ffmpeg = is_executable($pt->config->ffmpeg_binary_file); function isEnabled($func) { return is_callable($func) && false === stripos(ini_get('disable_functions'), $func); } $enabled = true; if (!isEnabled('shell_exec')) { $enabled = false; } ?>
General Configuration
General Configuration
General Configuration
SEO Links
Enable SEO links E.g:, this will improve your Google Ranking
config->seo_link == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
History System
Users will be able to view their watched videos.
config->history_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Popular Channels
Show popular channels ranked by most subscribers.
config->popular_channels == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Article System
Create articles in blog section.
config->article_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Show Articles In Home Page
Articles will seen in home page.
config->show_articles == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Users Can Create Articles
Allow users to create articles too.
config->all_create_articles == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
+18 Pop-up
Show +18 Pop-up when user access the site.
config->pop_up_18 == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
+18 Block Time
Set the amount of hours to block a user which isn't above 18 years old.
Language Modal
Show language modal when user access the site.
config->lang_modal == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Default Language
Choose thhe site default language.
-- Please select --
langs; $langs_html = ''; foreach ($langs__footer as $key => $language) { $lang_explode = explode('.', $language); $language = $lang_explode[0]; $language_ = ucfirst($language); $selected = ($pt->config->language == $language) ? 'selected': ''; $langs_html .= '
' . $language_ . '
'; } echo $langs_html; ?>
Report Copyright
Allow users to create copyright takedown requests.
config->report_copyright == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Playlist Subscription
Allow users to subscribe to playlists
config->playlist_subscribe == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Create Post System
Allow users to create post under channel page.
config->post_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
{{LANG fav_category}}
categories as $key => $name): if($key != 'other'){ ?>
config->fav_category)) {echo "selected";} ?>>
{{LANG choose_which_categories}}
Video Pagination Limit
Choose the limit of how many videos will show on each page.
Censored Words
Set censored words, seperated by a comma (,)
Login & Registration
User Registration
Allow users to create accounts in your site.
config->user_registration == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Account Validation
Send an activation link after registration.
config->validation == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Two-Factor Settings
Send confirmation code to email or SMS when user login.
config->two_factor_setting == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Enable reCaptcha to prevent spam.
config->recaptcha == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Recaptcha Key
User Configuration
Delete User Account
Allow users to delete their accounts.
config->delete_account == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
User Verification Badge
Adding verification badge to users
config->verification_badge == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
User Block System
Allow users to block each other.
config->block_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Paid Subscribers
Users should pay to subscribe to a channel.
config->payed_subscribers == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Commission (Leave it 0 if you don't want to get any commissions.)
Commission that will be take from paid subscribers
Donation System
Allow users to donate to channels.
config->donate_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Other Settings
Messaging & Notifications Server
Choose which server to use, NodeJS or Ajax. See How to run and install Nodejs/forever/npm on your server?
config->server == 'nodejs') ? 'selected': '';?>>WebSockets
config->server == 'ajax') ? 'selected': '';?>>AJAX
Comment System
Choose the comment system default provider.
config->comment_system == 'both') ? 'selected': '';?>>Both
config->comment_system == 'default') ? 'selected': '';?>>AJAX (PlayTube)
config->comment_system == 'fb') ? 'selected': '';?>>FaceBook
Default Showen Comments
How many comments to show by default?
config->comments_default_num == '10') ? 'selected': '';?>>10
config->comments_default_num == '20') ? 'selected': '';?>>20
config->comments_default_num == '30') ? 'selected': '';?>>30
config->comments_default_num == '40') ? 'selected': '';?>>40
config->comments_default_num == '50') ? 'selected': '';?>>50